Alcohol/Drug Addiction
Have you hidden drug or alcohol consumption from a loved one? When you go out, do you find you partake in more than you want to, or planned on? Do you experience feelings of guilt or shame after a night out? Have you had a desire to consume less but find it challenging?
Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people nationwide. It is characterized as a psychological disorder where the brain works under a reward system regardless of negative outcome. The substance takes over the reward pathways making people feel an increased desire and need for bigger and more dopamine hits. Many factors come to play in developing addiction such as genetics, underlying mental health disorders, pressures, and much more.
You may ask yourself, “is recovery possible?”
Psychology Today shares that the most recent U.S. National Survey on drug use and health states that more than 75% of people addicted to drugs or alcohol do recover.
Because addiction does not look the same for everyone, neither should your plan of care. At Mariposa we believe in taking an individualized approach based on your own personal goals. Because needs vary for each person, no plan will look the same. We are committed to ensuring you receive the support needed to keep you accountable. We will work through any past traumas that need to be healed from and together we will create a customized plan for your recovery. By establishing your own personal triggers, we will create a new set of coping skills based on your personal strengths and desires.
Healing can happen, and we are here to help.