I am beyond excited for my next blog project! I am going to be writing a mini-series on our Mariposa Core Values. In this series I will dive into what our core values are, what they mean to us, and how they impact our relationships with clients and community partners. This series is going to provide a clearer picture of what we believe here at Mariposa, and you will get to know me a little better too!
Core Value: Authenticity
What is authenticity and what does it mean for Mariposa?
I have decided to start this four-part series off with our core value of authenticity. Authenticity by definition is the quality of being true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character. When talking about authenticity within our therapy practice, what we are really discussing is the ability to show up as your true self and be able to express your experiences as honestly as they happened.
How does authenticity impact our therapist/client relationships?
You may ask yourself “why is authenticity important?” Have you heard that you will only get out of therapy what you put in? If you have, that would be because it is true. Your therapist can only meet you where you lead them, therefore your ability to be authentic is going to determine just how effective therapy will be for you. When our therapists and you pair authenticity with the power of an honest and transparent relationship, that is when you will be able to truly take steps forward in healing. In that space you will learn to express and reflect on your own experiences without judgement or shame.
Examples of Authenticity:
· Showing up for all appointments
· Not shying away from hard topics
· Being truthful with your therapist
· Leaning into any emotions that arise, no matter how challenging
While sometimes authenticity takes getting used to, we work to provide you with an environment so safe that your ability to show up authentically comes effortless.
What does showing up authentically look like for me, personally?
I have found in my own life journey that authenticity plays a key role in healing. When I am able to show up authentically, those around me seem to have a sense of permission to do so as well. In that space we feel safe to not only be ourselves wholly, but we are able to share and explore past and present experiences in a deep and connecting way. I have found that the experiences I have had in life that have made me feel most alone, others have experienced something also. It never fails to amaze me how at our core we are all simply seeking love and connection, and with authenticity we are able to get there at lightning speed.
If living your life authentically feels like something you want to dive into more, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will partner with you to improve your ability to be honest in your interactions and experiences so that you can live each day completely true to yourself! Call or text (616) 284-1329 or e-mail echivis@mariposacounselingllc.com today!
-Emily Chivis
Administrative Assistant
